Jamarion Mapp, affectionately known as “Mappy”. was born August 15, 2007 to parents Lana Mapp and Ian Best. From an early age, Jamarion was destined for greatness. As a baby, he always showed a high level of determination and zeal in reaching his milestones. On one occasion, Lana watched him trying to roll over on his tummy and each time his left hand became stuck, he fought to remove it, refusing to give up until he reached his goal. His persistent nature meant that by age six and a half, Jamarion not only had a bicycle, but was riding it within a day, minus training wheels and with minimum assistance from his father.
Jamarion received his primary education at the Elliot Belgrave Primary School (formerly Boscobelle Primary) and participated in a variety of extra-curricular activities such as football, cricket, road tennis and athletics. However, it was during the Physical Education Sessions that his P.E teacher, Mr. Corey Greenidge, discovered his athletic ability. Careful mentoring and encouragement fueled his passion for the sport of track and field, and this in turn, led him to join the Elite Distance Track Club. It was there that he competed in various track and field meets across Barbados, often-thrilling spectators with his breathtaking performances on the track.
Jamarion proved that he was a champion in his own right, claiming the Title of Victor Ludorum in 2018 and 2019 consecutively. From there-on, he showed his dominance and rather announced himself in fine style in 2018 at the Obadele Thompson Zone of the National Primary Schools Athletic Championship (NAPSAC), winning the Under 13 Boys’ 400m in record time of 1:06.27 minutes. He captured the attention of many spectators, track and field enthusiasts and coaches.
The following year, he shattered three records, namely the 800m, 400m and 200m. He then joined his team mates in smashing the record for the coveted 4 x 100m relay in 56.25 seconds. This created history for the Elliot Belgrave Primary School as it won the first ever Boys title in the Obadele Thompson Zone. It was indeed a spectacular moment, not only for the school, but also the community by extension. It also reinforced the school’s motto which is “Success is the Fruit of Perseverance and Effort”. Even after Jamarion left primary school, his legacy inspired the students to the point where, once again, the Elliot Belgrave boys captured the title at NAPSAC.
Jamarion also excelled academically as he scored the highest marks in English and Composition at the school in the Barbados Secondary School Entrance Examination, receiving awards for the most outstanding student in both English and Composition, as well as most outstanding athlete at graduation. He went on to attend the Alexandra Secondary School where he continued to perform well. At the School’s Interhouse Sports, he represented Frederick’s House placing first in the 400m, 800m and 1500m races respectively. This qualified him to represent the school at the Barbados Secondary School Athletics Championships (BSSAC) in the Frank Blackman Zone in the 400m and 800m races finals, but unfortunately, he could not compete any further due to the cancellation of sports because of the onset of the COVID pandemic. While this prevented him from training at sporting venues, he tried as much as possible to keep fit at home by remembering his goal of representing Barbados at the Olympics. He would often say that, “ Just like Usain Bolt, I know that one day I will be on the ‘mapp’, competing in the international area because my love for track and field is boundless and I have the heart of a lion and stop at nothing.” Although Jamarion had a fierce attitude when it came to competing he was a very quiet, loving, respectful, courageous and humble towards his fellow competitors.
He had other interests and he was a gamer and loved to play Roblocs in his spare time with his friends as a means of socializing and relaxation. He also loved his two dogs Shadow and Gohound and the admiration and affection was reciprocal, as the dogs would often jump and cuddled him on his arrival home. Jamarion also enjoyed a good game of road tennis and fun rides with his friends.
Sadly, on January 5th 2022 Jamarion, who was considered to be one of the island’s most promising athletes, passed away. His legacy will always be a road map and a source of inspiration for future Barbadian athletes to follow.

Biography of Jamarion Mapp

— Aristotle